How to Overcome Hopelessness and Stop Feeling Depressed

In a world that often feels like it’s spinning out of control, finding a sliver of hope can seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. My own journey from the depths of despair to a life filled with purpose and joy wasn’t easy, but it was possible. And if you’re reading this, know that it’s possible for you too. This isn’t just another list of tips; it’s a testimony to the power of transformation.

Let’s dive into the heart of darkness and find our way out, together.

What is hopelessness?

Hopelessness is not just a fleeting feeling; it’s a heavy cloak that dims the light of possibilities in one’s life. It’s a state where the future seems bleak, and no solutions appear in sight.

Understanding hopelessness is the first step towards dismantling its power over us. It’s a common misconception that feeling hopeless is a personal failure or a lack of resilience. In reality, it’s a complex emotional state influenced by various factors, both internal and external.

What does hopelessness feel like?

To describe hopelessness is to describe a landscape barren of color and life. It feels like being stuck in a fog where every direction leads to more uncertainty. During my darkest days, mornings were the hardest—waking up to the realization that the pain hadn’t been just a bad dream. Hopelessness is more than sadness; it’s an emptiness that seems to swallow every attempt at happiness.

What causes hopelessness?

The roots of hopelessness often run deep, intertwined with personal experiences, environmental factors, and sometimes, biochemical imbalances. For me, a combination of chronic stress, unresolved trauma, and the relentless pace of modern life brewed a perfect storm. Society today is more connected than ever, yet ironically, many of us have never felt more isolated.

Understanding that the sources of hopelessness are multifaceted is crucial in addressing it effectively.

How to overcome hopelessness

Overcoming hopelessness is not a one-size-fits-all process. It requires patience, self-compassion, and often, a change in perspective. Below are nine strategies that played a pivotal role in my journey from darkness to light.

1. Take a break from the news

In an era where the news cycle is 24/7, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of negativity. I realized that constantly bombarding myself with distressing news only fueled my feelings of despair. Limiting my news consumption was a breath of fresh air, allowing me to focus on the present instead of worrying about every global crisis.

Insider Tip: Set specific times to check the news, and stick to reputable sources to avoid sensationalism.

2. Practice self-compassion

Self-compassion was a foreign concept to me. I was my own harshest critic, blaming myself for not being able to “snap out of it.” Learning to treat myself with the same kindness I would offer a friend was a game-changer. Remember, being hard on yourself only adds to the burden of hopelessness.

Insider Tip: Start a gratitude journal to shift focus towards positive aspects of your life.

3. Reach out to someone you trust

Isolation magnifies hopelessness. Reaching out to someone I trusted felt like lifting a weight off my chest. It wasn’t about finding solutions but simply being heard and validated. Remember, vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

Insider Tip: If opening up feels too daunting, start by spending time in the company of loved ones, even if you don’t discuss your feelings.

4. Get moving

Exercise was the last thing on my mind when I felt hopeless. However, once I forced myself to take that first step, the mental fog began to lift. Physical activity releases endorphins, known as the body’s natural mood elevators. A simple walk in the park can make a significant difference.

Insider Tip: Choose an activity you enjoy, making it less of a chore and more of a treat.

5. Try a new hobby

Immersing myself in a new hobby was a distraction that gradually evolved into a passion. Whether it was painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, engaging in creative activities provided a sense of accomplishment and joy that had been missing from my life.

Insider Tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment. The goal is to find something that brings you joy, regardless of the learning curve.

6. Practice mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness were transformative in my journey. These practices taught me to live in the moment, rather than being held hostage by regrets of the past or fears of the future. Mindfulness isn’t about emptying your mind but rather about being present and accepting your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Insider Tip: Start with just five minutes of meditation a day, and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

7. Set small, achievable goals

When I felt hopeless, even the smallest tasks seemed insurmountable. Setting small, achievable goals helped rebuild my confidence and sense of control. Celebrating these small victories was a reminder that progress, no matter how minor, is still progress.

Insider Tip: Break down tasks into smaller steps and celebrate each completion, no matter how small.

8. Volunteer

Volunteering offered me a perspective outside my own troubles. Helping others brought a sense of purpose and connection that was profoundly healing. It’s a reminder that even when we feel powerless in our own lives, we have the power to make a difference in someone else’s.

Insider Tip: Choose a cause you’re passionate about to maximize the sense of fulfillment.

9. Get professional help

Seeking professional help was the most crucial step I took. Therapy provided the tools and support I needed to navigate my way out of hopelessness. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a brave step towards healing.

Insider Tip: If therapy seems daunting or financially out of reach, consider starting with online support groups or helplines.

Real-Life Example: Overcoming Hopelessness

Finding Purpose Through Volunteering

Feeling overwhelmed by hopelessness, Sarah found solace in volunteering at a local shelter. By helping those in need, she discovered a sense of purpose and fulfillment that gradually lifted the weight off her shoulders.

Sarah’s weekly visits not only brightened the days of others but also brought light back into her life. Through this experience, she learned that sometimes, helping others can be the best way to help yourself overcome feelings of despair and find hope again.


Overcoming hopelessness is a journey, not a destination. It’s about finding light in the darkness, one step at a time. These strategies are not quick fixes but pillars that can support you as you rebuild your life. My journey taught me that hope is not just a feeling but a choice—a choice to keep moving forward, even when the path is unclear.

Remember, the most powerful stories are those of overcoming. Your story is far from over; in fact, it’s just beginning.